75 Corny Love Jokes and Flirty Knock-Knock Jokes
Love that makes you laugh is the best kind of love.

They say laughter is the soul of romance, which means corny jokes must be the bedrock of a happy marriage. The value of a cute love joke or a flirty knock-knock joke is well known to those who grew up in the pre-meme era when the only messages you could pass to a cute classmate were folded notes or chalky candy hearts.
In the tradition of the classic “I Choo-Choo-Choose You,” these puns and cheesy jokes are family-friendly but a little flirty, meaning they can earn you a laugh from your kid and a wink (or an eye-roll) from your significant other. As important as it is for any corny love joke to be clever, a little chemistry is also an essential ingredient. These cute knock-knock jokes are guaranteed to give you the giggles and major googly eyes.
- Why shouldn’t you fall in love with a pastry chef? They will dessert you.
- What did the cat say to her girlfriend? “You’re purrr-fect for me.”
- What did the light bulb say to the switch? “You turn me on.”
- Why did the angel always wear a bow in her hair? Wearing an arrow would be dangerous.
- What do you call two cupids who fall in love? A match made in heaven.
- What kind of architecture makes people fall in love? Heart deco.
- Why did the soccer player dislike Valentine’s Day? He hated getting red cards.
- What did the calculator say to the pencil? “You can always count on me!”
- What did the squirrel say to his lover? “I’m nuts about you!”
- What did the lightbulb say to their sweetie? “I love you a whole watt!”
- What do you call two birds who are in love? Tweethearts!
- What did one watermelon say to the other? “You’re one in a melon!”
- Why did the man accuse his wife of robbery? She stole his heart.
- What did the barista say to his crush? “I like you a latte.”
- Who always has a date on Valentine’s Day? The calendar!
- What did the woman with a broken leg say to her crush? “I’ve got a crutch on you!”
- Why did the melons get married in a church? They cantaloupe.
- What did the octopus say to its octopus crush? “I wanna hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.”
- What did one little flame say to the other? “We’re a perfect match.”
- What do you call a colorful heart that loves books? Well read.
- Why didn’t the skeleton send any cards? His heart wasn’t in it.
- What did the paper clip say to the magnet? “I find you very attractive.”
- When one satellite dish falls in love with another, what’s the best part of the wedding? The reception.
- How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a ring!
- What do squirrels give each other? Forget-me-nuts.
- What did one oar say to the other? “Can I interest you in a little row-mance?”
- What did the snake say to his girlfriend? “Give me a little hiss.”
- What do you get when you kiss a dragon? Burnt lips.
- What did the volcano say to its true love? “I lava you!”
- What did one raspberry say to the other? “I love you berry much.”
- What did the stamp say to the envelope? “I’m stuck on you.”
- What does the ghost call his true love? His ghoul-friend.
- What did the Australian zoologist do with his sweetheart? Spend koala-ty time together.
- What did one grizzly say to the other? “I’ve bear-ed my soul!”
- What did the deer say to its baby? “I’m fawning over you!”
- What did the poodles say to each other after making up? “Life is dog-gone ruff without you.”
- What do you call two rabbits in bed? Snuggle-bunnies.
- What do you call a pair of fish? Sole-mates.
- What do you say about two fish getting married? They made it o-fish-al.
- Why are dolphins so confident? They live life with porpoise.
- What did Dolly Parton sing to the orca? “I whale always love you.”
- Why did the bee not trust her boyfriend? His stories were un-bee-lievable.
- Why is it wise to never break up with a goalie? Because he’s a keeper.
- Why is Spider-Man the perfect boyfriend? Because he’ll always stick beside you.
- How did the astronaut’s girlfriend respond when he proposed to her in space? “I’m so happy I can’t breathe!”
- Which song do sunflowers listen to when their girlfriend goes to work? “Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone.”
- How do you get a banker to fall in love with you? Pique their interest.
- Where do hotdogs take their partners on Valentine’s Day? To the meatball.
Extra-Cute Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Spelling bee. / Spelling bee who? / Spelling be mine: B-E-M-I-N-E.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Olive. / Olive who? / Olive you.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Honeydew! / Honeydew who? / Honeydew you know how much I love you?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Juno. / Juno who? / Juno I love you, don’t you?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Hershey’s. / Hershey’s who? / Hershey’s *kiss*.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Kiss. / Kiss who? / Kiss me!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Orange. / Orange who? / Orange you stunning.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Candice. / Candice who? / Candice be love I’m feeling right now?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Owl. / Owl who? / Owl be seeing you real soon.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Aherd. / Aherd who? / Aherd you like guys who tell knock-knock jokes.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Cheese. / Cheese who? / Cheese awful cute, ain’t she?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Wire. / Wire who? / Wire you and me not out on a date?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Gopher. / Gopher who? / Gopher me, not some other guy.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Pauline. / Pauline who? / I think I’m Pauline in love with you.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Kiss. / Kiss who? / Kiss me! Obviously!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Iguana. / Iguana who? / Iguana take you out this weekend.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Disguise! / Disguise who? / (Point thumbs at your chest) Disguise your boyfriend!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Ben. / Ben who? / Ben thinking about you all day!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Snow. / Snow who? / Snow use, I still can’t stop thinking about you!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Wendy. / Wendy who? / Wendy you think we can go on a date?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Aldo. / Aldo who? / Aldo anything for you!
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Baby Yoda. / Baby Yoda who? / Baby, Yoda one for me!
- Knock, knock! Who’s there? / Adore. / Adore who? / Adore you, who else?
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Muffin. / Muffin who? / Muffin in this world can keep us apart.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Needle. / Needle who? / I needle little love right now.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Cynthia. / Cynthia who? / Cynthia been away, I’ve missed you.
- Knock, knock. Who’s there? / Pear. / Pear who? / We’d make a great pear, don’t you think?
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