Get Your Kid A Slick Taco Truck They Can Ride In The Living Room
Famous Oto is a Brooklyn-based purveyor of fine cardboard toys, including this taco truck that fits in the living room and folds for storage.
You might recall the last time Famous Oto drove a truck into your living room – it was a well-appointed ice cream truck that had your kid more interested in making and selling the stuff than in actually eating it. The purveyors of fine cardboard toys are back, just in time for the holidays, with a similarly-proportioned taco truck that will encourage a bilingual food vocabulary and a lifetime of eating with their hands. The Famous Oto Taco Truck is $59, 40″x36″x24″ and you can still print custom license plates for it, free of charge, on the Famous Oto site. Not bad for a toy that can be folded up when they’re bored with it and recycled when they’ve grown out of it.
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