This 7-Foot Inflatable Unicorn Sprinkler Will Turn Your Backyard Into Splash City
The magical creature attaches right to your garden hose.

It doesn’t take much to get kids excited about running through a sprinkler. Hot weather and cold water are usually enough. Still, it’s always more fun if they’re getting sprayed by a whale, a bunch of crazy wiggle tubes that dance or, as is the case with Big Mouth Toys new backyard sprinkler, a ‘ginormous’ magical unicorn that shoots water out of its horn.
The latest in Big Mouth’s series of hyperbolically named inflatable water sprinklers ⏤ there’s also a dinosaur and an elephant ⏤ the new unicorn was unveiled at last month’s Toy Fair and stands either just under, or just more than, 7-feet-tall ⏤ it’s unclear as the website and box disagree. Either way, to a 3-foot-tall toddler, that’s one hell of a giant horned horse spraying them with cold water. It comes in white with a rainbow mane/tail and looks kind of like a My Little Pony. Set up is as easy as inflating the unicorn, attaching a standard garden hose, and watching the wet and wild fun ensue. Your move, summer.
The Ginormous Unicorn Yard Sprinkler sells for $50 online and at Target, among other retailers.