When The Play Table Becomes Mission Control
The [MU]Table (get it?) is an 8-in-1 activity center that almost certainly looks better than what you own.
The play table is a household staple. It’s where kids sit to eat snacks and color pictures. It’s where they sip fake tea with stuffed animals and where they watch daddy curse after he takes a chunk out of his shin. Now, an Italian designer wants the play table to be more than that. With the new [MU]table, Martina Mukako is hoping to turn a stylish wooden platform into a height-adjustable 8-in-1 activity center by with a series of interchangeable play boards. That’s a big leap forward for a piece of furniture that historically just sat there.
Designed to save parents both space and cash, the multi-purpose [MU]table comes with four double-sided stackable play boards, each featuring a different activity. In addition to chalk/magnetic boards, it includes bases for both Lego Classic and Duplo, a city and nature landscape, and a couple of puzzles. Down the road, they’ll be a doll house, as well as Play-Doh, kitchen, and music tables. All sold separately. And for poker and string cheese night, kids can just throw the wooden tabletop back on.
Even cooler, to help cut clutter and keep toys organized, there’s a removable bag attached beneath a hole in the middle of the table. When the kids are done playing, they simply push their toys ⏤ much like their poker chips ⏤ all-in. And then put the bag away. Clean up complete.
[MU]table comes in five colors (mauve, mint, white, etc.), measures 28-inches in diameter, and stands just over a foot-and-a-half tall. Switch out the feet, and it tops out around two-feet-tall. It’s also sold with matching adjustable height chairs so that the kids aren’t forced to sip their tea awkwardly staring skyward. [MU]table is currently available for pre-order on Kickstarter but doesn’t ship until October.
(Available October 2017)
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