Three Families Show Off Their Mario Tennis Aces Skills
And prove that you can play the game anytime, anywhere.

The following was produced in partnership with our friends at Nintendo and features the Mario Tennis Aces game, which is playable on Nintendo Switch anytime, anywhere with anyone.
The Nintendo Switch system is making family game night easier than ever. The system, known for being an innovative hub for kids, continues to push the fold with incredible games that can involve everyone in the family — games like Mario Tennis Aces. This version of the classic sports game puts the entire Mushroom Kingdom into adorable visors and shorts and then asks families to swing along in real-time, anywhere they take their Switch.
Just how does it work? To find out we tapped three influencer parents — Jorge Narvaez, Amber Mamian, and Branden Bingham — and asked them to spend some time with the Nintendo Switch test driving Mario Tennis Aces — both provided to the families by Nintendo — with their clans. Here’s what they said about the experience.
Jorge Navaerez, father of three, @realitychangers
“I grew up playing video games,” says Jorge Navaerez. “It was my time to escape the real world and I loved it as a kid. I was that one kid who would bust my butt in school, but I would come home and play Zelda and a bunch of games.
As soon as I started playing Mario Tennis Aces, it reminded how behind I am in video games. I didn’t know that you can just grab the Nintendo Switch, take it out of the dock, walk away and continue playing it. I remember those days of pausing it and waiting until you got back home, or staying up until 4 in the morning. That’s why I thought it was convenient.
My wife and I, when we played, we put on our exercise outfits and we had fun. We were bringing back this nostalgia, and sharing it with my kids. That and those moments, where we can say, ‘Oh, remember that day…’ And my goal as a 32 year old father is to make sure my kids have good memories with me and my wife.”
Amber Mamian, mother of five, @global_munchkins
“I can honestly say our family has become obsessed with Mario Tennis Aces,” says Amber Mamian. “We have been playing this game non-stop, we enjoy having family tournaments, we play doubles, and we not only play at home but we have been taking it to our local park and playing there as well. I love that the Nintendo Switch system is versatile and can be played anywhere and everywhere and I also love that the games are appropriate for the entire family.
One of the kids favorite parts about playing is trying out all of the different characters to see the varying talents they have. I think Chain Chomp and Rosalina seem to be favorites in our home although I stick with classic characters like Mario and Yoshi. The kids also get a kick out of choosing their players each time that they play.
The players not only have their talents but as we continued to play the game we discovered various trick plays too. We also liked that each court seemed to bring a new element to the game. The variations made us compelled to continue playing and kept us coming back each day for more.
As complex as one could get with skills, Mario Tennis Aces can still be played by a novice gamer like myself. I thought that the ability to keep the attention of my serious gamer teens while still proving to be entertaining for my almost 5-year-old and myself was pretty amazing.”
Branden Bingham, father of seven, @thisishowwebingham
“The reason we love Mario Tennis Aces,” says Branden Bingham, “is because it gets the whole family involved. We love the free play and Swing Mode, which gets you up off your butts and active. We also found we got more into the game that way and the trash talking and celebrating got more intense, which was fun. I love the power slams and different moves each player has. Makes you want to try all the players on the roster.
We absolutely cannot get enough of playing doubles with all four players involved (this requires additional accessories that are sold separately) and the other family members get just as into it, cheering and taunting from the sidelines. The experience feels all-inclusive and not exclusive, which is what we love most.
No two matches are really the same. From different characters to different courts to totally different game experiences. Every time we finish up a match we just immediately fired up a new one. The best is when you get the volley going for a while and the intensity increases and then finally one team takes the point and the whole room erupts in either victorious cheers or groans of defeat.”
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