Watch Fatherly’s video series: “Dude to Dad” It's a journey into Fatherhood with a crash course into "Daddom" as Evan says goodbye to his old life to give birth to a new one. Funny, sweet, and always a little tired, “Dude to Dad” offers an authentic look at parenting through the eyes of a first timer.
Watch "Dude to Dad" Fatherly's Weekly Parenting Video Series
by Evan KaufmanWe document every inch of our children’s lives. Fatherly Producer and comedian Evan Kaufman is taking it one step further with Fatherly’s new video series, “Dude Turned Dad.” Watch as Evan films his journey into Fatherhood with weekly video essays. It’s a crash course into “Daddom” as Evan says goodbye to his old life to give birth to a new one.
Funny, sweet, and always a little tired, “Dude Turned Dad” offers an authentic look at parenting through the eyes of a first timer. The camera work might be messy, the audio might sometimes be off, but that’s the first year of parenting: a beautiful mess that we edit together to become a whole greater than the sum of its parts.
EPISODE ONE: New Dad on the Vlog
The baby is coming but is “the new dad on the vlog” ready? Evan shares his pre-parenting fears, offers some tips for naming your child, and sifts through the mountain of baby products that keep showing up at his apartment.
EPISODE TWO: Our Incredibly Easy (For Me) Birth Story
Everyone said that giving birth WASN’T going to be like the movies. Well… they lied! Evan and Caitlin share their birth story – from the water breaking, to the hospital, to welcoming their son Rory into the world!
EPISODE THREE: Pain, Postpartum & Lasers: The First Week
Week one of parenting hits Evan and the family hard. They deal with breastfeeding, postpartum, and… lasers? Yes…lasers.
EPISODE FOUR: Newborns Don’t Smile
Evan creates a hilarious parody of a NETFLIX true crime series which features his son’s inability to sleep. But his comedic dreams are shattered when he discovers that newborns can’t smile.
Work-Life Balance becomes a struggle when Evan stops sleeping and takes on a new challenge – a full-time job.
EPISODE SIX: Father Fears w/ Karamo Brown
Evan sits with Netflix’s Queer Eye star Karamo Brown to discuss his fatherhood-inspired fears.
EPISODE SEVEN: The Baby Gear We Actually Use
How do you figure out which baby products are actually useful? Trial and error. Evan shows you the gear that has been most effective and the products he’s only picked up once.
EPISODE EIGHT: The Daycare Episode
Evan’s family is coming together. Rory is doing great and Evan is finally settling into his role as dad… and then? It’s time to go to daycare.
EPISODE NINE: What is Dadvertising?
We explore the strange world of advertising to father’s and Evan takes a ride in a giant baby swing.
EPISODE TEN: Can Dads Be Cool?
Evan examines the myth of the “cool dad” and talk to a Cool Dad version of himself!
EPISODE ELEVEN: My 100 Most Insane New Dad Moments
Rory just turned FIVE months old — and to celebrate, Evan is going through the 100 most insane moments he’s had as a parent.
EPISODE TWELVE: The Circumcision Decision
Evan sort of assumed that circumcision was cool with everyone, but when he starts talking to his friends he discovers that there’s much more to the issue.
It’s fall and that means crisp leaves, pumpkin spiced everything and also… sick kids.
EPISODE FOURTEEN: Why Do We Take Babies To Pumpkin Patches
We put our kids in silly situations so we can take pictures of them. Is there any actual value in taking newborns to a pumpkin patch for a photo?
EPISODE FIFTEEN: Talking Dad Swag With Mark Wahlberg
Evan chats with Mark Wahlberg and the cast of Instant Family about the best way to raise his kids.
EPISODE SIXTEEN: Should You Have Kids?
Everything seems bad right now… but is this a bad time to have kids? Evan investigates.
We hit you up with some old school MTV vibes as Evan welcomes you into his tiny apartment, to show you a tiny nursery, for a tiny person.
EPISODE EIGHTEEN: The One Thanksgiving Hack Every Dad Should Know
How can you explain to a newborn how thankful you are? Write them an email. Sounds crazy right?
EPISODE NINETEEN: The Homemade Lullaby Challenge
Do you sing insane songs to your kids? Evan does and we want to hear yours!
EPISODE TWENTY: Five Truths About Your Baby’s First Holiday
The holidays with a baby can be stressful. You would be surprised at the emotions and moments that come up… it gets a little weird.
EPISODE TWENTY ONE: Raising A Religious Child As An Athiest
Do you want your baby to be religious? How do you choose a religion or stomach the idea that your son will be going to church, when you don’t believe in god?
EPISODE TWENTY TWO: The Ten Best Holiday Gifts For Babies
Evan breaks down the best holiday gifts for newborns and it… devolves pretty quickly.
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