Chart Comparing Stay-at-Home Moms and Working Moms Sparks Outrage
Mom-shaming at its finest.

People on social media are furious over a viral Facebook post detailing the differences between working moms and stay-at-home moms. Shared by conservative Christian blogger Lori Alexander of The Transformed Wife, the flowchart, titled “Should Mothers Have Careers?”, explains a day in the life of each type of mom.
“Her life is falling apart. She doesn’t feel like she’s a good wife or mother” reads the outcome for the working mother, who apparently comes home exhausted after being “away from home hours every day” and feeds her kids fast food dinners. According to Alexander, the working mom also spends her weekends cleaning and running errands instead of being with her children.
The stay-at-home mom, on the other hand, has a life that’s “fulfilling. Her husband and children rise up and call her blessed!” It must be due to her “nutritious and delicious” homemade dinners, along with the fact that she “teaches about Jesus all day long.”
The controversial chart is receiving a lot of criticism by both working moms and stay-at-home moms alike. “This is so grossly oversimplified it’s appalling,” writes one woman, while another says, “I was a SAHM for 16 years, your list is completely delusional and an embarrassment to all mothers. ALL moms need to feel supported fulfilled and worthy.”
Many of the 2,5000 responses are women sharing their own experiences and urging others to stop mom-shaming. “Some days my life is more like the ‘career woman’ you described. Other days it’s not,” commented one working mom. “However, you have shamed all working mothers, even those who might not have a choice… WE ARE ALL MOTHERS AND WE SHOULD STOP SHAMING EACH OTHER.”
Alexander, who is a mom of four, has been attacked in the past for her unpopular opinions. Earlier this year, she wrote a similarly divisive post titled “Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos.”