The Real Reason People Think Apple Juice Makes Your Penis Bigger
The connection between apple juice and penis size comes from a meme dating back to 2020 — and not to any sort of science.

As long as men have had penises, they’ve pondered how to get a bigger dick (though size is hardly the most important factor — and usually determined by genetics anyway). But it’s still perplexing why the specific question “how to make your pp bigger” alongside similar searches about “how to make your pp size bigger” spiked on Google in June 2020, and whether or not apple juice — apple juice, of all things! — might be how to make your penis bigger. Men Googling how to make their dicks bigger isn’t uncommon at all, but people asking “how to make pp bigger” instead of, oh, “how to make my penis bigger” is definitely odd, as is the apple juice thing. So what’s going on?
“How to make your pp bigger” spiked in the United States as a Google search term on the evening of June 11, 2020. A related term, “apple juice makes your pp bigger” had a similar spike at that time, followed by an even bigger one a couple of days later that was confined to the state of California.
Some internet sleuthing brought us to PewDiePie, the alt-right-curious Swedish internet personality whose large fan community — he has more than 110 million YouTube subscribers — seem to have adopted “pp” as an inside joke. We are 100% out on the outside of this joke, and it’s very confusing as to why so many people using Google are on the inside.
According to an unverified submission to Know Your Meme, it started on r/LWIAY, one of the subreddits devoted to PewDiePie, and “consists of guessing the size of the PewDiePies’s subscribers’ ‘peepees’ by posts.” In other words, saying “pp” instead of penis is exactly what it sounds like: a purposefully immature, very dumb internet message board thing that a lot of people became curious about at the same time.
People have been Googling how to make their pp bigger since PewDiePie spawned the joke, but searches spiked on June 11, 2020 due to a viral video, according to Snopes. “That same day, a meme creator clearly referencing PewDiePie uploaded a video to YouTube titled ‘Does Size Matter?’ The short video spliced together footage of a man asking several pornographic actresses about their views on penis size. The video ends with a man chugging apple juice after searching ‘how to make pp bigger’ and receiving a Google ‘snippet’ search result about apple juice having penile enhancement properties.”
That Google snippet was real, but the information it contained was not. Snopes continues, “Unfortunately, the snippet of text highlighted by Google is not from any kind of peer-reviewed research or expert analysis. Instead, Google selected the snippet from a website named Ezine Articles that allows unpaid and unvetted contributors to upload articles in exchange for backlinks or exposure.”
For what it’s worth, the Mayo Clinic says that “there’s little scientific support for nonsurgical methods to enlarge the penis.” That means drinking apple juice (or taking a sketchy pill, for that matter) is not going to make your penis bigger.
Still, there could possibly be other benefits to upping your apple juice intake. Because although it might not be secret pp juice, drinking apple juice does have some benefits for men. Apples contain the flavanol quercetin, which a registered dietician told Men’s Journal “inhibits the secretion of the prostate-specific, androgen-regulated, tumor markers in the prostate cells, decreasing the risk of prostate cancer.” A review of the available scientific literature in the journal Nutrients confirms that quercetin “has a wide range of biological actions including anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral activities,” but it stops short of saying it’s effective as a preventative measure or treatment for any disease, urological or otherwise.
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