6 Websites Built To Connect You To A Community Of Dads
This is the gateway to digital dadness

Because dads are men (on average) there can sometimes be issues when it comes to connecting with other dads. Face it, if you’re too proud to reach out for directions when your navigation app sends you into the wilderness, you’re probably too proud to ask another dad how the hell they deal with playground side eye.
Hiding behind the veil of the Internet might help. After all, there are plenty of websites out there geared for dad support. There’s nothing like a ridiculous username (superphatdad36) to let you open up a bit. And, maybe if things are going well, you can take your outreach to the next level by hanging with your new digital broheims IRL. These great sites can get you started.
For Every Dad
City Dads Group
The story of City Dads goes something like this: A couple of NYC dads decided to become primary caregivers for their kids. The duo almost immediately became isolated, were shunned by moms at playgroups, and generally felt out of place in the mommy-centered parenting milieu. Instead of wallowing in despair, the duo started a Dad Group in NYC that eventually took the nation by storm.
Now City Dads supports a thriving community coast-to-coast. They boast dad boot camps, meetups that range from museum trips to pickup basketball games, and dad-related content on their blog and podcast.
For Stay-At-Home Dads
National At-Home Dad Network
With the heroic battle-cry of “Dads Don’t Babysit!” the National At-Home Dad Network offers a clutch of amazing resources for primary caregiving fathers. They provide excellent research and national groups where dads can get together and hash out how to deal with stuff like those post-school tantrums.
What’s more, they throw an annual Home Dad Con in September. This year they’re throwing it in the wilds of Portlandia. So wax your mustache and hook up some childcare, because you have some stuff to chat about and some cruelty-free heirloom pork products to consume.
For Gay Dads
The Handsome Father
The Handsome Father is the nexus for gay men who want to become dads, and those who are already on their fatherhood journey. The site tackles issues from adoption and surrogacy, to regional issues that could affect the way gay fathers parent. All of the advice comes from guys who have been there.
Look for help through their resource directory. Learn the ropes through blog posts. Or meet up with handsome dads in your city. (Note: being handsome is not actually a requirement.)
For Dads Dealing With Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Dads
Whether you’re a young father feeling the strain of depression or going through a painful post-birth time with your partner, Postpartum Dads has a wealth of information for you. Join in forums where men dealing with the same pain are able to support one another online, and browse through mental health resources and articles.
The biggest value you will get from the site is understanding you are not alone. This is the place to lose your isolation and start healing.
For Dads Who Are Advocates
Dad 2.0
The Dad 2.0 Summit was created to change the conversation about how dads are perceived online. The social fathers connect to commiserate and defy stereotypes. The summit occurs annually and features speakers that range from bloggers to designers to captains of industry. The next on is going down in NOLA in 2018, but between now and then you can catch their Fatherhood on Friday blog posts that address issues percolating in the current culture.
For The Social Dad
Life Of Dad
Life of Dad is essentially a dad-centric social network. Users create the bulk of the content that ranges from music pics, to workout advice, to photos of kids (including a little girl decked out as Negan from The Walking Dead). The site boasts a worldwide network of active users who want to know your story. Yes, yours. Get in there and tell it.
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