The Best Yo Mama Jokes Are Also the Kindest Yo Mama Jokes
These jokes don't have to be insults to be funny…

Telling Yo Mama jokes on the playground isn’t as cool as it used to be. Thankfully making fun of the person who gave you life has gone out of style, for the most part. But not all the harmless fun is gone. There’s actually a way to turn Yo Mama jokes on their head and make them clean and respectful. By making jokes that complement your Mama, instead of insulting her, you can put a fresh and respectful twist on an old joke format. After all, laughing really hard (or even just chuckling fondly) while feeling great about herself and the fine adult her child has become would probably make your mom’s day.
The classic Yo Mama joke format we know and love was most likely popularized by the 1993 TV series In Living Color. Since then, this kind of mom joke has blossomed into the quintessential insult in the Western world. But this is 2021, and it’s time to give the Yo Mama joke a kinder, cleaner, funnier makeover. The best good, clean, nice Yo Mama jokes can make someone’s whole week better. These 16 funny, kind, and clean “Yo Mama” jokes are ones you can actually tell your mother.
- Yo Mama’s laugh… is so contagious that the CDC issued a travel ban on anyone who came to her New Year’s Eve potluck.
- Yo Mama is so big… meaning, she runs the PTA and everyone knows her at the grocery store because she does not take sh*t from anyone.
- Yo Mama is so dumb… she went to the dentist to get a Bluetooth. That said, she is also well-read, well-traveled, has a nuanced view of history, a profound understanding of early childhood education, and is a delightful conversationalist. But her grasp of the ever-changing technological landscape leaves something to be desired! Okay… maybe dumb is the wrong word?
- Yo Mama is so selfish… which, occasionally, makes sense because when you consider what is expected of women on a daily basis, relative to work/life balance, she really deserves some time to herself.
- Yo Mama is so poor… she eats cereal with a fork to save milk, among many other incredibly resourceful techniques to support her family through tough economic times. In fact, she’s so good at stretching a dollar, I bet you didn’t even know your family was poor, did you?
- Yo Mama is so smart… which, if this were the 17th century, would make her seem like a witch, but these days, that’s a good thing, and we’re happy with her mystical powers.
- Yo Mama is so old… because she was born a long time ago and has amassed a veritable treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge that she would be happy to share with you if only you’d ask. Why don’t you ask?
- Yo Mama is so hairy… she gets featured in articles about modern women bucking arbitrary cultural expectations while feeling comfortable in their own skin and looking beautiful just the way God made them.
- Yo Mama is so bossy… she got promoted at her company way faster than anyone expected, had an early retirement, and then started her own company.
- Yo Mama is so lucky… she sees the good in her life despite all the hardship and suffering.
- Yo Mama is… more than just yo mama. Did you know that? Have you ever taken the time to examine her soul? Her hopes? Her dreams? Her fears? All the complicated, messy, and amazing stuff that comprises the human being who just happens to be … yo mama?
- Yo Mama is so weird… that she still wears a pair of pink Reeboks from the ’80s and laughs too loud in movie theaters and attracts awkward stares when she dances in public. It’s almost as if she possesses such a depth of confidence and personal fulfillment that she doesn’t require material trends or the validation of strangers to feel good about herself.
- Yo Mama is so lazy… she doesn’t even do the dishes until after she makes dinner.
- Yo Mama is so busy… she doesn’t even have time to put up every picture you draw on the refrigerator … and maybe that’s okay. Maybe you don’t need her to pat you on the head every time you color inside the lines. I mean come on, you’re almost 37, dude.
- Yo Mama is so dirty… but it’s probably best not to think about that. But your dad knows … stop! Seriously, don’t think about that.
- Yo Mama was like a pizza at a Super Bowl party… every guy wanted a piece of her. And yet, she chose your father. And though sometimes she catches herself thinking of all the different lives she could have led, she’s remained steadfast in her commitment to this family whom she loves more than all of the money, glamour, and adoration in the world. Pretty cool, huh?
- Yo Mama’s so stupid, she went to the dentist to get a Bluetooth... which actually makes a lot of sense and is a reasonable line of thinking for someone who grew up without a smartphone.
- Yo Mama’s so stupid, when I said, “Drinks on the house,” she got a ladder... which actually demonstrates her sense of humor and commitment to a good time.
- Yo Mama’s so old… you’re lucky she still does everything she does for you. Seriously, her responsibility to you expired a long time ago.
This article was originally published on