Does ‘Glass’ Have a Post-Credits Scene?
Should you stick around after the credits or can you make a beeline for the exit as soon as the movie is over? (No spoilers!)

Glass, starring James McAvoy, Samuel L. Jackson, and Bruce Willis, comes to theaters this week, hoping to complete the Shymalanaissance while simultaneously expanding the loved-then-hated filmmaker’s cinematic universe. And once you have enjoyed 129 minutes of these semi-superheroes and semi-supervillains facing off to battle for the fate of Shymalan’s career comeback, you will likely find yourself faced with one question: Is there a scene after the credits? After all, sitting around watching the credits roll can be a bore but it might be worth the wait if the movie ends up giving fans an Easter egg or hints at what the sequel might be about. So does Glass have a post-credits scene you should stick around for?
Without giving away any plot details or spoiling anything about the movie, we will say that Glass does not follow the recent blockbuster trend and, in a refreshing change of pace, does not feature a scene in the middle of the credits. So while others stick around the theater to watch the credits and see if there will be a Glass 2: Revenge of the Glass, you’re going to be able to immediately make a beeline for the exit.
Post-credit scenes have become the norm over the past decade and while Glass isn’t exactly getting a ton of love from critics – it currently has a not-so-super 37 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes – the newest entry into the Shyamalan canon deserves some praise for not joining this recent trend that doesn’t let the movie end when it’s supposed to.
Glass opens in theaters nationwide January 18.
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