Emily O'Brien

Emily O’Brien may have peaked in the heyday of mixed CDs and still believes that the entire culture of cool lives within a solid playlist. She founded Substitute Scene Records in 2017, in hopes of sharing great music on a wider scale, aiming to create an inclusive community that helps new artists get started. The label roster focuses mostly on female and/or queer artists and continues to grow, releasing records that fall somewhere on the indie rock spectrum.

A digital media professional by day, at night she is likely spinning dream pop vinyl in the corner of your favorite Brooklyn bar or hanging around a small cap venue, introducing people to each other. She lives in East Williamsburg with her partner and lots of records.

The Fatherly Turntable

25 Years Ago, One Album Was The Fusion Of Sad Indie Rock And Perfect Pop

By Emily O'Brien

Elliot’s Smiths XO was the beginning of a new phase of indie rock.